

Founder of the vegan catering company, LOVE Kitchen, Kris Manzur, shares her experience with vegan dessert preferences, “So, for me, it’s my Whoopie Cookies. Sometimes we can sell out of two hundred in a show and that’s our best seller. But, people also ask for sugar free option, things that are sweetened with agave, or maple syrup, or dates. So, it really depends. If they have a sweeter tooth, they’ll go for the Whoopie Cookie. If they are trying to eliminate sugar from their diet, which seems to be more of a trend now, they’ll ask for sugar free options.” Essential Ingredients for the Vegan Baker: “Well, I think everything should be fair traded, if you can get that. Definitely agave, because you can substitute out sugar a lot for agave and maple syrup, but agave is a little more affordable than maple syrup. And a really good vegan sugar. It has to be vegan sugar, though!” Pictured is the LOVE Kitchen’s brownie.

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