Featured 1

Cut Off from Drop-offs

By RACHEL SCHREIBSTEIN and LEETAL PREZELMAYER Jericho High School recently implemented a new school policy that prohibits parents and others from dropping off items for students in the attendance office. According to principal Ms. Rosenberg, the […]


Jayhawk Mohawks

By LINDSEY KOMSON The boys varsity soccer program has experienced a number of trips to the playoffs throughout its history, and one tradition that the players have carried on for nearly 20 years of postseason play […]


Welcoming our New Hires

By CHARLOTTE LEIGH, AARON MARASIA, JULIA PENCHUK and LEETAL PREZELMAYER Jericho High School hired 12 new faculty members for the 2018-19 school year. The JerEcho welcomes Ms. Garcia, Ms. Stroh, Mr. Ciminelli, Mr. Yerramsetty, Mr. Wu, Ms. Hume, […]