Junior Sylvia Peng was inspired by everyday routines for her piece “IN A MINUTE MOM!” She said, “I tried to present something that we do all the time but seem to ignore or forget. I was particularly inspired by morning routines and the chaos that comes with them, so I chose to draw the action of putting on clothes. I think it perfectly captures the lack of coordination and urgency of a person who just woke up. My goal was to make the audience relate to the feeling of hopelessly trying to make yourself presentable on a hazy Monday morning in the short timespan before missing the bus. I am extremely honored to be able to be a Gold Key recipient. It was quite unexpected, actually. I don’t think I will be pursuing art in the future just because there are other things I feel more passionate about. However, I can definitely see art as part of my life in the future as a leisure activity. I also feel like the artistic skills I acquired would definitely be useful in whatever career I pursue in the future.”
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