
Art Teacher, Ms. Gilfedder. “I was so lucky to be Mr. Hunter’s student. His passion for teaching, love of learning, compassion for animals, appreciation of art, enthusiasm for music, and the need to just get up and be creative were so completely contagious. Much later when I graduated high school, I wrote Mr. Hunter a letter. It was our school’s tradition for each graduating senior to give a pin to their most influential teacher. I immediately thought of Mr. Hunter as the recipient of my pin. In my letter I explained my hopes of becoming a teacher and expressed my appreciation for his influence. I attached the pin and sent it off in the mail. I was elated when he wrote back. I still have the letter. My favorite line was, ‘Thank you for making my life!’ Every time I read it I think, ‘No, thank you for making my life, Mr. Hunter.’”
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