
New Food for Thought

By TESS SILVERMAN and JESSY SIEGMANN Jericho School District recently made a change to its lunch program, replacing in-house meal preparation with outside service provider Aramark.   Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs Mr. Manuel said, “We […]


Building Confidence and Connections

 By ADITI RAMANATHAN Newly hired science teacher Jessica Leydon-Tremblay, follows her passion in making students confident and successful while continuing to help them build connections and apply their knowledge in her class. Prior to working […]


Bringing Balance and Momentum

By EMMA SANDERS  Balancing his love for music, caring for his 1-year-old and teaching is no easy feat, but it’s nothing that newly hired physics teacher Mr. Andrew Erlagen can’t handle.  Working at Starbucks and […]


A Visit to the Fab Lab

By ETHAN BROWN Recently, the Jericho school district installed the Fab Lab, a new space in the technology wing meant to assist the technology classes in manufacturing. Curriculum Associate for Science and Technology Education Ms. […]