
Grand Prix-parement

By OLIVIA SALZMAN,  JULIA LAZARUS, EMILY KUBASHKY,  RACHEL HIRSCHHEIMER, SOFIE ROBINSON, BENJAMIN WACHTEL, BLAKE AXELROD, SAL DIGUARDIA,  and TYLER ALVAREZ When the clock strikes 3:31, seniors race out of their classrooms to get to their cars […]


The Phone Thief

By DREW LEIST, JACLYN BAUM, LEXI PRINCIPE, BRADY BERMAN, AND  JAKE KOENIGSBERG Ms. Valenza has been exposed as the leader of an illegal phone sales operation after numerous suspicions about her deep obsession with confiscating […]


Battle of the Classes

By JOANNE PARK, CHAEWON YANG, JIWON YANG, JOSEPH KIM, CHRISTOPHER QUINTERO, and RACHEL HAHN When the senior lounge is threatened by the underclassmen of Jericho High School, the seniors stand up to take back what is […]


JCO Cribs

By ANDREW GLABMAN, NICO DORIA, SHERWIN SOROUSH, SAM ZORFAS, and ETHAN HAAS   In this episode of JCO Cribs two of the biggest athletes/frat stars in the world provide an exclusive tour of their multi-million […]