Box plus Desc. 2

Snapchat Evolves

By KATHERINE NERI With  100 million users, Snapchat has become one of the most popular  mobile applications since its release in April 2011. According to Omnicore, a digital marketing agency, more than 400 million Snapchat […]


Strout’s Bucket List

By MELISSA POLLACK, ALEXIS CORBIN, AND RYAN FIRST As the Earth warms and the ozone layer continues to deplete, Jericho High School science teacher Timothy Strout desperately tries to complete his bucket list before the end of the […]

New from The JerEcho

An Abundance of Caution

By ALEXIS CORBIN After the devastating terrorist attacks that took place in Paris, the Jericho School Board has canceled the scheduled spring trip to Italy. This decision, along with the San Bernardino attack, and threats […]