Ms. Armstrong’s Final Equation


Jericho High School math teacher Ms. Lillian Armstrong is retiring after 28 years of teaching, 23 of those working at Jericho.

Ms. Armstrong reflected on her many years of teaching and what mattered most. She said, “I still love closing the door and teaching in the classroom. I still like it when students finally understand concepts and you see their eyes pop open, and so that I will miss.”

Ms. Armstrong has many fond memories of her teaching career. In particular she recalled a school event some years ago. She said, “We had Relay For Life organized by Dr. D., which many schools were doing. It was a weekend event, and we camped out and bonded together for a cause. It was really exciting.”

Jericho High School math teacher Ms. Wehmann commented on Ms. Armstrong’s qualities that she will miss. She said, “Ms. Armstrong has such a warm and caring heart. She is always open to listen, support, and give words of encouragement, whether it is advice or simply her presence during a difficult time.”

During her time at Jericho, Ms. Armstrong bonded with many students through their personal interests both in and out of the classroom. Senior Jack K. said, “I had many conversations with her about In-N-Out Burger because we both love it so much.”

After her retirement, Ms. Armstrong plans to continue working in education part-time. Her parting words for her colleagues are to enjoy their time teaching because it goes by fast.