Bringing Balance and Momentum


Balancing his love for music, caring for his 1-year-old and teaching is no easy feat, but it’s nothing that newly hired physics teacher Mr. Andrew Erlagen can’t handle. 

Working at Starbucks and tending to a pool store are just some of the jobs that Mr. Erlagen had growing up, but none quite compared to his love of teaching. “The moment I stepped into a classroom, I knew that working with students was a calling for me,” he said. 

During his free time, Mr. Erlagen enjoys sitting down and creating music. Whether it’s playing the piano, guitar, or singing, he loves to write and perform. He acknowledges that because of his 1-year-old baby, this hobby of his comes with a little helper. He said, “Anytime I sit down at the piano, he also wants to play, which is great.” 

After graduating from Wesleyan University, Mr. Erlagen went on to receive his master’s at both Lesley College and Relay Graduate School of Education. Mr. Erlagen began his teaching career at various nonprofit organizations, such as Teach For America.  Initially teaching math, he soon understood that physics was much more interactive, and realized he wanted to pursue that subject instead.

As a native New Yorker, Mr. Erlagen already knew how prestigious the Jericho School District was. However, after moving to San Diego, he never thought landing a job in the Big Apple would be in the cards for him. Nevertheless, after seeing a job posting on display for a new physics teacher at Jericho, he hopped on a plane and jumped at the opportunity. 

Mr. Erlagen keeps a personal relationship with his students by closing out the class period with fun and interesting questions for them to answer. He also enjoys letting students take the lead on their work and be problem solvers.

Students of his believe that Mr. Erlagen has a positive impact on their learning. Senior Michelle D. thinks that his teaching style helps with self-development and said, “He really encourages us.”

Mr. Erlagen lends a helping hand to students needing guidance during their lab.

In order to stay connected to his students’ parents, Mr. Erlagen ensures them that he wants nothing but the best for their children. “I’m here to provide support so they get where they need to be,” he said. 

Curriculum Associate for Science and Technology Education Ms. Libertini is fond of Mr. Erlagen’s passion for teaching, and believes his extensive knowledge of physics makes him a perfect fit for a Jericho hire. She said, “I really think that he has a lot of energy, and I think that he cares deeply.”

A main focus of Mr. Erlagen is making sure he is seen as a supportive, open and helpful teacher. His safe atmosphere is created by a mix of care and mutual respect. He is more than ecstatic to be a part of the Jericho High School community.