
Chillin’ with the Chileans

By LEETAL PREZELMAYER and JAYDEN KUPFERMAN Jericho High School hosted Chilean students who came to observe and interact with American high school students. The teens traveled for a duration of almost two weeks through the […]


Retirees Ready to Relax

By LEETAL PREZELMAYER and ALEXA ALBICOCCO As the 2018-2019 school year ends, the Jericho community prepares for the departure of 5 faculty members who will be dearly missed: Dr. Margarita, Ms. Millmann, Ms. Bodner, Mr. […]


Gender Gap No Longer Gaping

By YASH KUMAR and JASON CHOI In the world of sports, there remains quite a large disparity when it comes to differences in gender. At Jericho High School, the sports gender gap has closed as […]