This Veterans Day, Jericho High School’s French Honor Society wrote letters to veterans to commemorate their services.

French Honor Society advisor Madame Kennedy explained the purpose of this event. “Since we are an Honor Society, there are certain obligations and expectations that come with the students who join. One of those obligations and expectations is to give back to our community. That’s why we felt it was important to come up with an activity where we can give back,” she said.
In addition, Madame Kennedy described how this event is beneficial for students. She said, “Not only are we cheering up somebody, helping in a tangible, emotional way, we are helping our students to become part of a community larger than just Jericho.”

Sophomore Katelyn M. shared her opinion on this event. “It was a great way to do a good deed and spend time with friends. Writing the letters makes us reflect on other people’s actions and show that we are grateful for them,” she said.
Forty letters were delivered to Long Island State Veterans Home at Stony Brook University in time for Veterans Day. “It was a fun experience,” sophomore Sabrina W. said.