The damage caused in Houston by Hurricane Harvey is well known and even rivals Hurricane Sandy in terms of destruction. As with previous natural disasters, there has been a flood of donations and support. Celebrities, civic associations, and even our own Jericho High School are contributing to help those in need.
Comedian Kevin Hart pledged $50,000 and managed to call his celebrity friends to donate as well, raising almost one million dollars over the course of two days. Despite the controversy over Kevin Hart donating about the same as six dollars of a regular person’s net worth, he has managed to inspire other celebrities to rally to the cause of helping the people of the affected areas. Jericho senior Dennis M. said, “It was great that he started a large movement for many to contribute donations, but I think he should have donated more money.” Conversely, sophomore Rohan R. said, “I think it’s a good thing that he donated in the first place. It doesn’t matter how much.”
The Jericho Drama Production club is working on their own fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Club adviser Ms. Arnesen said, “We survived Hurricane Sandy and we personally know what it’s like to be without power and food.” The club plans to adopt a Houston school just as Jericho did after Superstorm Sandy when we adopted East Rockaway High School and raised money to help rebuild their music program. “I think we’re going to be collecting goods for the overall donation and we’re definitely going to be collecting money,” Ms. Arnesen added.
The coincidence of the Drama Club’s choice of production “Harvey” and the hurricane’s name has not gone unnoticed. Sophomore and club member Avery P. said, “I feel like it’s really tragic what happened, but it was really ironic to have the same name. I think it’s really good that we’re giving a positive turn to the irony.” Ms. Arnesen said, “I chose the play last summer not knowing that this would happen. It was uncomfortable when people asked if it was raising money for hurricane relief. I was trying to make awareness of auditions and realized we needed to use the irony and coincidence of the names.”
The Kids Helping Pets club had a Ralph’s Ices sale to raise money. Student council president Jack M. said, “The Student Council is working on more events to raise money for hurricane support.”

The destruction caused by Harvey and the multiple hurricanes that followed make the situation seem bleak, but it has also been an opportunity to unite the country. Communities all over the nation have joined for a common cause and the same can be said for Jericho High School.
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