The Gilmore Girls are back, but they are not as caffeinated or as witty as we had hoped since the Gilmore Girls revival, “Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life,” was a disappointment.
The revival featured all the usual characters and was divided into four episodes, one for each season of the year. It picks up seven years later, after one of the protagonists, Rory, has decided to join Barack Obama’s campaign trail, and the other protagonist, Lorelai, has finally committed to Luke. Present day: Rory’s career is in a rut as is Lorelai’s life. Both of the women feel stuck, which is hard for them to accept as they are always striving for excitement in their lives. While producers Amy Sherman Palladino and Daniel Palladino were more than satisfied with their most recent creation, many viewers were not.
Jericho High School junior, Lydia Z., felt that the four episodes were underwhelming. She said, “It was almost as if nothing happened and the episodes were so long. I wish they were more substantial and gave us a better look into what their lives are really like at this time.” She added, “The show was also hard to follow. It kept jumping from place to place without a lot of explanation.”

Spoiler alert! The show ends with the reveal that Rory is pregnant. Who’s the father? No one really knows. While I do agree with how the mini-series ended, coming full circle and all, I don’t agree with how they portrayed the characters towards the end. Lorelai passed on opportunities to mock people and wasn’t her usual self. Rory, who is typically so sure of herself and so determined, was laid back and making poor decisions with married men. These are not the characters we had grown to know and love when the show started back in 2000. However, Rory being the same age as Lorelai was when the show originally began is sweet and symbolic of how her life is entering a new chapter. Her pregnancy as a single woman is a sign of how the show came full circle, and mimics the theme song’s lines of “where you lead me, I will follow”. Lorelai led Rory into her former life of getting pregnant and raising a child on her own. Although raising Rory on her own was difficult, Rory did still turn out incredible and there is no doubt that Rory will be able to do the same for her child. Do I wish there was less time spent on that musical in the third episode? Yes. But would I have not wanted there to be a revival? No. Despite the disappointment, I am still grateful for these four episodes.
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