After the devastating terrorist attacks that took place in Paris, the Jericho School Board has canceled the scheduled spring trip to Italy. This decision, along with the San Bernardino attack, and threats to the Los Angeles and New York City school systems has many students questioning their safety.
Jericho High School has taken precautions to keep their students safe during these perilous times. Superintendent Mr. Grishman announced at a recent Board of Education meeting the cancellation of the World Language Department’s scheduled spring trip to Italy. “The last time that we looked at field trips was September 11th. Right after that, we canceled all field trips, even ones that were within Nassau County, Suffolk County, Queens, and New York City,” said Mr. Grishman. He explained that local field trips were reinstated six months after the attacks took place, but the Europe trips didn’t continue for another two years. “I’m hoping that if the world appears safe over the next couple of months, then we can reinstitute all of our trips next school year,” Grishman said.
Italy trip advisor Ms. Gropineanu said, “We are disappointed, but the safety of our students always comes first.” Senior Marissa B. who was expecting to attend the Italy trip stated, “While I understand the decision, I think it was a little early to make the call. I think a lot can happen in a few months. It’s disappointing because I’ve been looking forward to it for months.”
Many students are experiencing renewed fears of terrorist threats. In response to the

Paris attacks, senior Lauren G. said, “They made me really nervous because the terrorist attacks never really seemed real to me because 9/11 happened so long ago. But now, I’m very worried about terrorism because I live so close to New York City and it’s one of the major targets for ISIS, so I feel like I’m living in fear.” Senior Jack J. said, “I think the domestic threat is definitely scary considering Times Square is so close to home for us.”
While some students have been fearful about the attacks, others explained that their lives haven’t been affected. Senior Tara G. said, “I’m not really worried more because terrorism was always a threat, especially in New York City.” Senior Adam B. said, “I’m not too concerned with terrorism because I know that United States military is one of the most advanced.”
In response to students’ fears, school psychologist Dr. Danielle Smith shared her thoughts. “Some kids don’t think about it, but there are others who are a little more sensitive to what’s going on and have more difficulty coping with the reality of it all,” Smith said. She advises that the best way to allay students’ fears is having honest discussions with them, and letting them know that there are a lot of measures being taken by those in authority to make sure everyone is safe.
Nice article Alexis!