ABC Family’s “Pretty Little Liars” hooked viewers with its suspense-ridden episodes ever since it first debuted in June 2010. Based loosely on the novel series by Sara Shepard, the show immediately garnered a wide following after the success of its first ten episodes. Viewers’ persistent questions from the suspenseful summer finale were finally answered on October 22, when the hit show aired its highly-anticipated Halloween special, entitled “It’s a Grave New World.” Hints were dropped, characters were revealed, and the most jaw-dropping finale in PLL history left viewers wanting more.
For those who are not regular viewers, “Pretty Little Liars” involves four girls (named Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily) and a mysterious character nicknamed “A” who sends them threatening messages that often put the four friends in danger. In the summer finale, viewers saw Aria’s former boyfriend and teacher, Ezra, slam a closet door in A’s lair and assumed the same– that Ezra was A. However, this Halloween episode certainly changed things.
The usual chasing of A, nicknamed “Red Coat” for the red coat the mysterious figure wears, leads the girls to a door that opens to a large underground tunnel. The lights go out, Hanna vanishes– it’s a whole debacle. The girls finally reach a door that leads them to a large mansion, and to the most shocking moment of all in Spencer’s backyard. Alison stops, and turns around to reveal herself.
Overall, I would give this episode five stars. It offered the perfect amount of suspense, drama, and mystery that viewers wanted. The sitting-on-the-edge-of-your-seat feeling that is characteristic of the show was stronger than ever in this highly-anticipated episode. Fans are already counting down the days until the show premieres with brand-new episodes in January 2014 on ABC Family.