Originally published June 2013

Prom proposals by Jericho High School seniors have become increasingly elaborate and public. With prom approaching in less than a month, seniors are becoming more and more anxious to have someone ask them to prom.
Of all of Jericho’s prom proposals or “promposals,” senior Alex Genatt’s proposal to senior Carly Sandler created a great deal of buzz on Long Island. The Facebook photos of this proposal received over 120 likes. Genatt first surprised Sandler with flowers while she was eating lunch with her friends. Then, Genatt said, “Look up,” and when she did, she saw a plane with a banner that read, “Carly, will you go to prom with me?”
Though Sandler said that her promposal was “cute” and is very excited for prom, she does not believe it is necessary to make such elaborate promposals. “People do it to one up each other,” Sandler said.
Photo Source: Facebook
Photo Source: Facebook
“He put different poems on different things, and at the end of each poem it said go to the next clue. One was attached to a teddy bear, one to a rose,” Koenigsberg said. Siegmann even wrote the poems himself.
Senior Chase Landow acknowledges that promposals are getting to be too much. “Except mine of course,” Landow jokes. “I showed up at her house with 50 balloons and when she pulled up to her house, she saw the balloons with a bag, which had a gift inside,” Landow said. Landow agreed that his promposal to junior Paige Hutner may have been elaborate, but argued that, compared to what other people have done, his promposal was more personal and more meaningful. Landow continued that his gift, which was a pair of Valentino shoes, doesn’t just “last two seconds,” and is something Hutner can have forever.
On the other hand, Hutner faces additional pressure from the promposal. “We are good friends, but now that he got me shoes, I have a little pressure to make sure I have the right dress for them and to make sure that he’s happy that he chose me as his date over other girls,” Hutner said.
Despite the prevalence of publicized promposals, there were several intimate promposals.
Although there is pressure on promposers to outdo one another, whether through a poem or an airplane, all a promposer wants is a girl to say, “Yes!”